HLA ( histocompatible sibling)

HLA ( histocompatible sibling)

HLA method is a very important way for the families, who want to have a healthy child, to show HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) compatibility with the sick child having a genetic disease and waiting for the stem cell transplantation.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) - Comments

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) - Comments

For infertile couples, the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) method has become the hope of couples. The method of in vitro fertilization, which is considered as costly before, has become more popular thanks to the developing technology and state support.

In Vitro fertilization (IVF) Centers

In Vitro fertilization (IVF) Centers

In vitro fertilization is the solution for those who want to be parents nowadays. Many methods are applied in cases such as low sperm quality, the inefficiency of mother's egg, low number of sperm, age of couples and health problems. In vitro fertilization centers treat all these conditions.

How is Egg Donation Applied?

How is Egg Donation Applied?

Sperm donation is one of the alternative methods for a woman to start the pregnancy. Sperm donation processing is completed after fertilization of egg-cell of women who want to become pregnant and of sperm of different men, then fitting of these fertilized embryos into the uterus. Some reasons for choosing sperm donation are that a woman wants to become pregnant without sexual intercourse.

Average Success Rates for Egg Donation

Average Success Rates for Egg Donation

If you always want to have a baby, and you cannot have a baby with natural ways, then you must consult a specialist and must understand whether you have any disorder or disease. Some too many people receive help from specialists to have a baby because the probability of having a baby is one in million.

A Happy Future with In Vitro Fertilization

A Happy Future with In Vitro Fertilization

This method facilitates the attachment of a quality embryo with a tiny tissue taken from the uterus.

Center for Surrogate Parenting in Georgia, Tbilisi, Batumi

Center for Surrogate Parenting in Georgia, Tbilisi, Batumi

Today, there are too many people who want to have children but can not get it, and for this reason they take their chances to have babies. Yet, because of constantly unsuccessful results, people are looking for other ways. First, if one want to have a baby through surrogate parenting, then Georgia Tbilisi, Batumi IVF centers should be visited.

Egg donation for patients with menopause

Egg donation for patients with menopause

Egg donation is a medical treatment that is applied to women who have completely lost their chance of getting pregnant.

Is Surrogate Motherhood and Surrogacy Legal in Georgia, Tbilisi, Batumi?

Is Surrogate Motherhood and Surrogacy Legal in Georgia, Tbilisi, Batumi?

First of all, people are trying very hard to have a baby but unfortunately they do not always have a baby with the right way. A woman and a man may always want to have their own baby without any external intervention, but they have to work very hard at it all the time.

Consanguineous Marriage

Consanguineous Marriage

Consanguineous marriage is a marriage between closely related individuals. Although it may include incest, it means more than the sexual nature of incest. In a medical sense, marriage between two members of the family who are second or closer cousins counts as consanguineous marriage.

Egg Donation Forum

Egg Donation Forum

One of the biggest problems of people is not to have a baby. Therefore you need to understand that people always need different methods to be able to have a baby and how much treatment methods are important for them.

Gender Determination and Gender Selection with PGD Method

Gender Determination and Gender Selection with PGD Method

Almost everybody can have a baby with the development of the IVF method and the application of new treatment methods.

Comments on IVF Center

Comments on IVF Center

IVF ("test tube babies") is a method that is applied by couples who are not suitable for being a mother or father because the chance of pregnancy is low. This method was first applied in England in the years of eighties. In our country, it has done successfully since the beginning of the nineties.

Cyprus In Vitro Fertilization

Cyprus In Vitro Fertilization

Many women cannot get pregnant in natural ways. Instead of this, there are preferred methods that have a high possibility to become pregnant. Through these methods, communicational deficiencies between qualified embryo and uterus can be removed.

Surrogate Motherhood Georgia

Surrogate Motherhood Georgia

Surrogate motherhood is one of the most wondered baby-owning methods in recent years. Although the method preferred by the couples who cannot have baby is forbidden in their country, it is preferred by couples in Georgia.